Why not?

"My thoughts are like a labyrinth with many roads to be walked.

Do you want to come with me?"

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Vitrify your ovules and forget!

I´m getting obsessed with the idea that my biological clock has come to its limits. I have to admit it, it is not pleasant because I´m close to 35 years old and I feel almost as if society puts a gun to my head. I have spent many nights thinking about the options and, as many women, I will be waiting for the response to fall from the sky. If I dare to have a Kid, could I have a normal life?, who will travel for me?, what about the money?, and what if I can´t have children?, and if i wait I´ll be too old to support the training?, if i wait a few years, could have a sick child? Phew! Too many questions and pressure!, all that has gone though my mind over and over again as torture. In fact, all this self psycological persecution began with a post on facebook where i was surprised that a former co-high school thought i didn´t want to have children?
Then I ask myself, and of course I want!, The question is: do i want it now? Well, as my problem is time, I ventured into the lated assisted reproduction, really it is crazy to get pregnant through a system that truly reminds me how they fertilize cows, but in an emergency it is a tremendous option. Vitrify your ovules! Yes, you heard correctly. Ovules Vitrification is the lastest when talking about fertilization you undergo a stimulation treatment, your abdomen is punctured and your oocytes are removed during your young years. It is known that though the years, the ovules get older (like us), we can´t make them a facelift!, or use advanced ultra hyper serums to help them to rejuvenate. So as the problem is time, I seriously thought of freezing them at their best stage, now!.
Such reatment  is recommended to any woman of childbearing age, the best is between 28 and 30 years old, I´m already old but anyway, I will survive.
Vitrification is a technique in which your wonderful oocytes undergo a freeze by liquid nitrogen, passing directly in less than a minute to -196 degrees, withouth a trace of ice. Few years ago, the simple freeze generated a large percentage failures in the process of defreezing. It isnt cheap, lets admit it, but to keep your future offspring in optimun conditions, plus the advantage of getting pregnant when you give the very gains is a great advantage. Spain and Chile are the clinical specialists in field Cryo - conservation or what is the same vitrification. It is important to remember that the level of the fertility in Europe is scary. The stress and the lifestyle  have declined dramatically the Births, as women are not willing to be young mothers. I have latin blood and, sometimes I wonder why i was so responsible and didnt mess up when i was younger , anyway, it would have been probably a mistake.
Today a little more mature, I like the idea of a baby, the problem is that they grow, cry, kick and spend money, well, i guess you already know, but weighing the pros and cons, I think there is a high probability that I will become a mother within a few years. I imagine you are already counting my age with your fingers... well yes!! I said a few years... "But if you´re 35..." Relax, because thanks to vitrification, the age of my ovules is eternal. My 35 years old remain in those healthy and strong ovules, however, I have to say that the price of eternal life costs at least 7800 euros, apart from all the expenses related to previous treatments. If I think about that possibility, I will have healthy children and with 97% chance of having a pregnancy without any risks, no matter when I decide to have them. Isnt it worthy?

1 comentario:

  1. Hi! GREAT ENTRY!!! And I agree with you in EVERYTHING!! I am so interested on the same... is there any chance to contact you somehow to know more about it. I'm based in Scandinavia where I think there's not such option. Spain would be an option, would like to know more about it. How can i contact you.
